Getting Started with
Attribution Engine
The Attribution Engine is a lightweight JS file that enables tracking, standardizing, and storing UTM parameters in the browser as a first-party cookie. The key difference between the Attribution Engine and a UTM tracking script is that it captures both the first-touch and last-touch data.
For instance, if a prospect visits your website from LinkedIn for the first time and doesn’t submit any forms, this information is stored as a browser cookie for 365 days. If the prospect visits your website a week later from Google and submits a form, the Attribution Engine sends the first-touch (social) and last-touch data with the form submission.
The Attribution Engine uses Referrer data, similar to Google Analytics, to identify the channel that brought a prospect to your website. If the UTM values are not present, it checks the Referrer data and assigns a UTM value.
How to Install the Attribution Engine Script
The script should be installed on all pages of your website. If you use a consent tool, make sure to consult with your team to ensure the script is activated correctly. Download the script and insert it into the head section of your website. These instructions are mainly for websites that don’t use an embedded form or iframe. (For those using iframe forms, don’t worry – we’ll be releasing an update soon.) After installing the Attribution Engine script on your website, it generates a “ckAttEngine” cookie in the visitor’s browser. This cookie is saved in JSON format, as shown below:
"utm_data": {
"utm_campaign_org": "new-webinar",
"utm_content_org": "",
"utm_term_org": "",
"utm_medium_org": "cpc",
"utm_source_org": "google",
"timestamp_org": "2/23/2023 15:22:52",
"landingpage_org": "<>",
"referrer_org": "",
"utm_campaign_conv": "",
"utm_content_conv": "",
"utm_term_conv": "",
"utm_medium_conv": "organic",
"utm_source_conv": "",
"timestamp_conv": "3/7/2023 7:35:12",
"landingpage_conv": "<>",
"referrer_conv": "<>"
As you can see from the JSON file above, the script stores data in two sets: …._org and …._conv. The information from these fields is parsed into form fields on the website.
How to Update Forms to Capture Attribution Data
Configuring forms is a straightforward process. You just need to have hidden fields on the form that match the field names in the JSON file. For example, to capture utm_medium_conv and utm_medium_org, your form fields should look like this:
<p class="utm_medium_org">
<input name="field_name_1" type="hidden" value="" />
<p class="utm_medium_conv">
<input name="field_name_2" type="hidden" value="" />
Depending on how much information you want to capture, you can add all UTM fields or just some of them. Regardless of how many fields you add, the script will find the fields on the form and append the attribution data.
Your Feedback Matters
We aim to ensure this script suits your needs. If you have any feedback or features you’d like to see added, we’d appreciate hearing from you. You can send an email to or contact Sabuhi Yahya via LinkedIn.